North Cornwall Cluster of Churches
Week beginning 6th October
Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity
Additional Collect:
Lord of creation,
whose glory is around and within us:
open our eyes to your wonders,
that we may serve you with reverence
and know your peace at our lives’ end,
through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen
Holy Habits – Eating Together
Cook together: Make a point of cooking together with someone else,
sharing a favourite recipe or learning from them. Then eat what you
have made together.
Sunday Services
St Kew 9.30am Holy Communion Rose Jones, Elizabeth Wild & Henry Gompertz
6pm Harvest Festival Geraldine Ashton
St Peter 9.30am Morning Worship Michael Wild & Geraldine Ashton
St Endellion 11am Harvest Festival Sung Eucharist Andrew Lewis
St Minver 11am Holy Communion Elizabeth Wild &Henry Gompertz
St Enodoc 3pm Harvest Festival Bill Nimmo
St Michael 6pm Evensong Rose Jones & Peter Coster
Services & Events for the week
Everyone is welcome to attend
Tuesday 8
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP), St Endellion, Judith Pollinger
Wednesday 9
8.45am Good Morning Café, St Kew Academy
10am Holy Communion, St Minver, Andrew Lewis
Thurs 10 – Sun 13 North Cornwall Book Festival, St Endellion
Thursday 10
11am Bible Study at Trellij. If you would like to attend and haven’t been before, please phone: 869421
7pm An evening to pray for Messy Church, Trebeth
Friday 11
10am Minifingers, Perceval Institute
7.30pm Gabrielle Ducomble, concert at St Endellion
Saturday 12
10am Interment of ashes of Tony Dunkerley, St Enodoc
11am Licensing of Henry Gompertz as a Reader, Truro Cathedral
1pm Wedding of Victoria Avery & Oliver Quick, St Enodoc
3pm Interment of ashes of Rex Patterson, St Michael’s
7.30pm The Blackheart Orchestra, concert at St Endellion
Sunday 13th October – Trinity 17
St Kew 9.30am All Age Worship Geraldine Ashton & Marcus Jones
St Peter 9.30am Holy Communion Rose Jones & Elizabeth Wild
St Endellion 11am Book Festival Service Judith Pollinger & Paul Fiddes
St Minver 11am All Age Worship Rose Jones & Marcus Jones
St Enodoc 3pm Evensong Henry Gompertz & Elizabeth Wild
St Michael 9.15am Holy Communion Andrew Lewis
6pm Evensong Geraldine Ashton & Elizabeth Wild
Please pray for the sick, among them Brian Gisbourne, Claudia Tom & Rosalind Smith. Remember all those who have died recently. We remember those whose anniversary of death occurs at this time including Ron Howells, David Philp, Ian Waters and Lewis Thorpe.
Taking it in turns to pray for each other – this week we pray for St Enodoc.
Diary Dates & News
‘Nourishment for body and Soul’ Come and enjoy, food, fellowship and God Talk every Tuesday evening at 7pm at Ann and Micks home. 41 Higher Tristram, Polzeath, phone number 01208862550. Everyone welcome.
An evening to pray for Messy Church and to consider our way forward. Thursday October 10th 7pm at Trebeth. All welcome to come for coffee/tea biscuits. It would be nice to have an idea of numbers, but not essential. Please ring Ann 01208862550 or email
Please help St. Petroc’s We collect dried and tinned food for the Bodmin centre, which supports two houses in the town. Please consider putting something extra into your weekly shopping basket for those less able to provide for themselves. We can also take single bedding and clothing – especially men’s clothing. The collection bags are at the back of St Endellion, St Kew and St Minver churches.
North Cornwall Cluster of Churches
for the parishes of St Kew, St Endellion with St Peter, Port Isaac and
St Minver with St Enodoc (Trebetherick) and St Michael (Porthilly)
Rector: Elizabeth Wild. Tel: 07758 407661
Email: St Minver Vicarage