North Cornwall Cluster of Churches
Week beginning 30th June
Second Sunday after Trinity

Additional Collect:
Faithful Creator,
whose mercy never fails:
deepen our faithfulness to you
and to your living Word,
Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

Sunday Services

St Kew 9.30am Holy Communion Elizabeth Wild, Geraldine Ashton & Rose Jones
12.30pm Curates welcome lunch Parish Hall
St Peter 9.30am Holy Communion Judith Pollinger
St Endellion 11am Sung Eucharist Andrew Lewis
St Minver 11am United Service at Rock Methodists
St Enodoc 3pm Evensong Bill Nimmo
St Michael 3pm Holy Baptism Judith Pollinger
6pm Evensong Peter Coster

Services & Events for the week

Everyone is welcome to attend

Sunday 30
3pm Concert by the Triggshire and Atlantic strings. Led by Barbara Degener. Donations for Air Ambulance and orchestra funds.

Tuesday 2
8am Holy Communion (BCP), St Endellion, Judith Pollinger
12.40pm Concert by pupils from Denstone College, St Peter’s

Wednesday 3
8.45am Good Morning Café, St Kew School
10am Holy Communion, St Minver, Andrew Lewis

Thursday 4
11am Bible Study at Avocet. If you would like to attend and haven’t been before, please phone: 863178

Friday 5
10am Minifingers, Perceval Institute

Saturday 6
3pm Wedding of Caroline Hardwicke and Alex Titheridge, St Enodoc

Sunday 7th July – Trinity 3

St Kew 9.30am Holy Communion Elizabeth Wild & Geraldine Ashton
St Peter 9.30am Morning Worship Rose Jones
St Endellion 11am Sung Eucharist Judith Pollinger & Geraldine Ashton
St Minver 11am Holy Communion Rose Jones & Elizabeth Wild
St Enodoc 3pm Evensong Bill Nimmo
St Michael 6pm Evensong Peter Coster

Please pray for the sick, among them Christine Simpson, Claudia Tom, Rosalind Smith and Valerie Davey. Remember all those who have died recently. We remember those whose anniversary of death occurs at this time including Harold Blackmore.

Taking it in turns to pray for each other – this week we pray for St Enodoc.

Diary Dates & News

Eunice would like to thank all those who by their presence, cards and flowers helped to celebrate her centenary last week.

Concert at St Peter’s on July 2nd at 12.30pm pupils from Denstone College, Staffordshire will be giving an informal concert. No tickets required.

Entries are invited of poems, or prose (maximum 300 words) on the theme of love for a book being produced for the North Cornwall Book Festival. Some will be read at the Book Festival Service. Entries to Judith by email by 13th August.

St James Fete on Sat 20 July at 2pm at Trescobel, St Kew Churchtown.

Songs of Praise by the Beach at St Michael’s Porthilly on Sunday 28th July, 11am, with St. Minver Silver Band

St Endellion & St Peter’s, Port Isaac Garden Fete 2pm Tuesday 13th August, St Endellion Rectory.

St Minver Annual Fete Wednesday 21st August at 2pm, St Minver Cricket Club. For more information, call either Brian 869315 or Dawn 869084.

North Cornwall Cluster of Churches
for the parishes of St Kew, St Endellion with St Peter, Port Isaac and
St Minver with St Enodoc (Trebetherick) and St Michael (Porthilly)
Rector: Elizabeth Wild. Tel: 07758 407661
Email: St Minver Vicarage