North Cornwall Cluster of Churches
Week beginning 22nd March
Mothering Sunday
Additional Collect:
God of love,
passionate and strong,
tender and careful:
watch over us and hold us
all the days of our life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen
Holy Habits: Serving
How have you been served in the past week? Go beyond the obvious and consider all the people who work in the supermarket/school/ hospital, utility providers, waste collectors, emergency services, civil servants etc.
Pray and give thanks for them.
Sunday Services
In light of the Government guidance around non-essential contact, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued advice that public worship is suspended until further notice. Our churches will be open but with no public worship services taking place.
We will be recording short services in different churches and uploading these to our facebook group:
On Sunday 22nd March the recorded service will be from:
St Minver Church – on the theme of Mothering Sunday
The Archbishops have called a national day of prayer and action this Sunday 22nd March. At 7pm (GMT) this Sunday, light a candle in the windows of your homes as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ, our source and hope in prayer.
On Sunday 29th March the recorded service will be from:
St Kew Church – Lent Holy Communion
Services & Events for the week
Thursday 26
Private burial of Royston Davey at St Kew – Memorial Service to follow
Home Groups and Daily Prayer
Our Home Groups are staying in touch via phone, email and social media. We are praying regularly, especially at 9am. If you would like hard copies of spiritual resources, or need help getting on to facebook, please contact
Revd Rose (01208 592353 –
Please pray for
The sick, among them Pat Bentley, Michael Broadfoot, Claudia Tom & Rosalind Smith and all affected by the coronavirus.
Remember all those who have died recently including Royston Davey. We remember those whose anniversary of death occurs at this time including Kenneth Robertson, Lloyd Polkinghorne, Rod Lincoln and Sharon Cann.
Taking it in turns to pray for each other – this week we pray for St Enodoc.
Diary Dates & News
Keeping in touch
We will be keeping in touch with people by phone and we may be able to assist in practical ways as well. Please contact Revd Elizabeth (07758 407661 – if you want to know more.
Recorded Services
We will be recording additional services and reflections during Holy Week:
5th April – Palm Sunday
9th April – Maundy Thursday
10th April – Good Friday
12th April – Easter Sunday
“Give a Tent for Lent”
We are again raising money for Shelterbox during Lent this year. This year the cost of a tent is £385. Every penny and pound we raise will help ShelterBox to provide tents and other aid items. You can find more information or donate directly on the website:
If you want to know more about the latest Church of England Guidance, please see:
North Cornwall Cluster of Churches
for the parishes of St Kew, St Endellion with St Peter, Port Isaac and
St Minver with St Enodoc (Trebetherick) and St Michael (Porthilly)
Rector: Elizabeth Wild. Tel: 07758 407661
Email: St Minver Vicarage