Sunday 17th April – Easter Day

Additional Collect

God of glory,
by the raising of your Son
you have broken the chains of death and hell:
fill your Church with faith and hope;
for a new day has dawned
and the way to life stands open
in our Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen

Sunday Services 

We are delighted to be able to offer public worship in all of our churches.


Dear Lord, our God and Father,
in this time of transition,
give us eyes to see Your presence in our lives,
ears to listen to Your will,
lips to speak Your words,
and hands to do Your work.
Grant us grace and go before us,
as we seek Your Holy Spirit’s counsel,
as we live in community during this time,
and as we prepare for the arrival of a new priest
in our midst.
In Your name we pray, in sure and certain hope of
Your promises to us, Amen.

Online worship: Watch the weekly online service from the Church of England here.

Upcoming Services and Events

17h April – Easter
9.30am Holy Communion, St Kew
9.30am Holy Communion, St Peter’s
11am Eucharist, St Endellion
11am Holy Communion, St Minver
8 and 9.15am Holy Communion, St Enodoc
8 and 9.15am Holy Communion, St Michael

Tuesday 19th April 8.30am Holy Communion BCP, St Endellion

24th April – Easter 2
9.30am Holy Communion, St Peter’s
11am Eucharist, St Endellion
11am Joint Morning Worship with St Kew at St Minver
3pm Evensong, St Enodoc
6pm Evensong, St Michael

Morning Prayer at St Endellion on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 9am.

Please pray for

The sick and all affected by the coronavirus. All affected by the war in Ukraine.

Pray for the NHS, care workers and all front line workers and volunteers. We pray for race and gender equality and for all victims of race or gender crime and brutality. Pray for everyone on their own or unable to be with their family.

Remember all those who have died recently. We remember those whose anniversary of death occurs at this time.

Taking it in turns to pray for each other – this week we pray for St Endellion.

Home Groups and Daily Prayer

Our Home Groups are meeting weekly via zoom and we are praying regularly, especially at 9am. If you would like to join a home group or daily prayer, please contact Revd Geraldine Ashton. Tel: 07957609085

Tea Time Talks

Intergenerational Roadshows

4 Events taking place on Sunday afternoons in May
8th (Launceston), 15th (Bodmin), 22nd (Truro) and 29th (Camborne)
i.e. leading up to Pentecost
To raise the profile of intergenerational church within the diocese
To enable people of all ages to come together to build relationships, share stories, worship, imagine and learn
To model an approach for bringing all ages together within and beyond our churches
To resource people for similar events in their own communities

Open to all Clergy or Lay and Families welcome. Refreshments and Afternoon Tea will be provided

Booking link coming soon…

Spring Celebration Service

On Sunday 24th April at 11:00am at St Minver Church we will be hosting a Spring Celebration Service.  We’ll be looking at caring for creation and planting some seeds. 
There will be containers available for you to plant seeds in but do bring along a container from home if you can – perhaps something unusual that has had a different purpose before – an old welly boot or empty milk carton? 
We’d love you to join us for refreshments after the service where there will be some delicious cakes.

Feast Day at St Endellion

Sunday 1st May, 11am Sung Eucharist followed by lunch. There will be a list to sign for those coming to the lunch.

Wadebridge Choral Society

present their annual Spring Concert at 7pm on Saturday April 23 at St Endellion church. Programme to include Mozart’s ‘Sparrow Mass’ and Salieri’s Coronation Te Deum. Tickets £12.50 available on the door or from Wadebridge book shop.


Wednesday 10th August
The St Endellion & St Peter’s Port Isaac Fete

Goods for St Petrocs

Donations of dry goods can now again be left in the back of our churches. St Minver Post Office is still an alternative collecting point.
You can also help the Bodmin branch of St Petrocs to buy fresh food electronically.  Put into Google and send your donation to

If you want to know more about the latest Church of England Guidance, please see:

Please find resources, previous services and more at our website:

North Cornwall Cluster of Churches
for the parishes of St Kew, St Endellion with St Peter, Port Isaac and
St Minver with St Enodoc (Trebetherick) and St Michael (Porthilly)
YouTube channel