Sunday 15th January –
The Second Sunday of Epiphany

Additional Collect

Eternal Lord,
our beginning and our end:
bring us with the whole creation
to your glory, hidden through past ages
and made known
in Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

Online worship: Watch the weekly online service from the Church of England here.

Upcoming Services and Events

Sunday 15th January
9.30am – Holy Communion, St Kew
9.30am – Morning Worship, St Peter’s
11am – Sung Eucharist, St Endellion
11am – Holy Communion, St Minver
3pm – Evensong, St Enodoc
6pm – Evensong, St Michael’s

Tuesday 18th January
8.30am – Holy Communion BCP, St Endellion

Friday 20th January
3.30pm Cremation John Drayson at Glynn Valley Bodmin

Sunday 22nd January
9.30am – Morning Worship, St Kew
9.30am – Holy Communion, St Peter’s
11am – Sung Eucharist, St Endellion
11am – Morning Worship, St Minver
3pm – Holy Communion, St Enodoc
6pm – Evensong, St Michael’s

Morning Prayer at St Endellion on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 9am.

Please pray for

The sick and all affected by the coronavirus. All affected by the war in Ukraine. We remember all those who have died and been affected by war. We pray for all those in need in the current financial climate.

Pray for the NHS, care workers and all front line workers and volunteers. We pray for race and gender equality and for all victims of race or gender crime and brutality. Pray for everyone on their own or unable to be with their family.

Remember all those who have died recently and those who are bereaved. We remember those whose anniversary of death occurs at this time including Keith Williams,  Leonard Lane, Barbara Whitford.

Taking it in turns to pray for each other – this week we pray for St Minver.

Home Groups and Daily Prayer

Our Home Groups are meeting weekly via zoom and we are praying regularly, especially at 9am. If you would like to join a home group or daily prayer, please contact Revd Geraldine Ashton. Tel: 07957609085

Memorial Service for John Drayson

2.30pm Saturday 11th February, St Minver Parish Church

Welcoming Revd Craig Marshall

Our new incumbent Revd Craig will be licensed on 28th February. As space is limited, the licensing service will be invite only. Please keep Craig in your prayers as he settles in.

FIKA Generosity Day – Sat 4th Feb

9.30 – 1pm, coffee from 9.15 at St Endellion Hall

FIKA is a Swedish term meaning to gather together for sharing, discussion and cake! Truro Diocese Generous Giving Advisor Jenny Wreford will be helping us explore God’s generosity through the Bible and around the world. Using films, articles and activities and allowing reflection and discussion, this relaxed time will help us to cultivate the abundant, generous life God desires for us. This half-day will help to ground our personal and church approach to finance and stewardship. All are welcome.

Goods for St Petrocs

Donations of dry goods can now again be left in the back of our churches.
St Minver Post Office is still an alternative collecting point.

If you want to know more about the latest Church of England Guidance, please see:

Please find resources, previous services and more at our website: