In the beginning was a song

Not just any song.

The song of God. A song sung from the dawn of time, a melody woven through stars and atoms, microbes and moondust, riverbeds and tree trunks. A melody which called the whole symphony of creation into being.

The song was with God in the beginning, and through the song all things were made. Until one day, this song was planted secretly, like a seed, into a woman. And the song became a baby.

Not the most familiar version of the Christmas story, perhaps. But a very traditional one; we hear it almost every year in our carol services and Christmas communions when the first chapter of John’s gospel is read.

When God made our world, he made it ringing with the joyful sound of heaven. Every monkey, bird and infant called and caterwauled in glorious harmony with our Creator. But over time, human choices turned us away from God, and our ears became stuffed up, clogged, and we forgot the tune.

When Jesus was born, he was God’s way of singing the melody over again into the world. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection showed us that we are not alone, that we are held by a Creator who loves us, and that darkness never has the final word.

Much has happened this year to clog up our airwaves. In amongst the usual grit and grime of life, we are having to deal with distress over war in Europe, economic and political turbulence at home, and a cost of living crisis which is leaving many looking at a much, much tighter Christmas than they would like. With so much else to think about, how can we hear the song of heaven through the white noise?

Thankfully, the song isn’t just an abstract concept. He is a Person, someone we can still turn to and ask for help and healing, hope and reassurance, on the darkest of days. This year, when the clouds fog up your vision and your ears are full of the miserable churn of the news cycle, take a minute. Turn off the radio. Step outside under the night sky. Gaze up at the stars which still ring with the music of creation, and ask God to open up your ears. Zephaniah 3:17 says ‘The Lord takes great delight in you; he rejoices over you with singing.’ Take some time this Christmas to listen to God singing over you.

Rose Jones

Carols at St Moritz Hotel

Christmas Eve Dec 24th  5.45 to 6.30pm. I have been asked to come and sing carols for the guests at St Moritz Hotel! A good way of bringing Christmas cheer to our visitors! And donations to St Petrocs. Followed by mince pies. Please come to swell the ranks of singers!

Contact Ann Sumra 07787838185 or if you can come.

New Year’s Day Cluster Service

We will be gathering together as a cluster to welcome in the New Year at St Endellion church at 11am, January 1st. Please note there will be no services in the other churches on this day

St Peter’s Church update

It has become a tradition now for members of the congregation, the Heritage group and the community to decorate the church with Christmas trees and this year we had seven trees inside and one out side of church, including Francis Larkin’s “Elvis” tree.

December was a busy month for St Peter’s, in early December we held the Candlelight Carol Concert. The group the Gulls sang traditional Port Isaac carols and the Port Isaac Chorale performed old and new carols. The concert was well attended with standing room only for late comers.

Port Isaac school held their Carol concert in church and more seating had to be brought in to enable grandparents to join the celebration. The children decorated the chair backs with pictures of the Nativity and the church was decorated inside and out with twinkling fairy lights.

Christmas Eve services include our annual Christingle Service and Holy Communion.

In the New Year members of the congregation hope to join with experienced school visitors to introduce The Open Book into Port Isaac School.
2023 looks to be an exciting year for St Peter’s with plans to form closer links with the school and the Community in general.

Pat Pearson
Chapel Warden

Mothers’ Union

The Autumn is always a busy time for the Mothers’ Union both nationally and globally. Here in Cornwall there is no exception.

September saw our International Wave of Prayer. Our branch marked this with a service of prayer in the context of the Eucharist. Truro diocese is linked with Makamba in Burundi, North Karamoja in Uganda, Lokoja and Sapele in Nigeria and Tirunelveli in India. we were able to pray specifically for our fellow members Emilienne, Annonciate, Joselyne, Annonciate; Margaret, Mariana, Abiodun and Christiana.

18th October is Anti Slavery Day as well as being St Luke’s Day. Working closely with The Clewer Initiative we took the opportunity to raise awareness of this important issue. We mounted a small exhibition in St Endellion and several branches across the diocese held services and prayer meetings. Elizabeth and I were invited to be the guest speakers at both MU and Probus meetings across the county.

On Saturday 25th November some 25 members joined Cathedral clergy to mark our No More 1 in 3 campaign. This is part of the 16 days of Activism against Gender Violence. To the great surprise of all those attending a huge Christmas Craft Fair in the Cathedral that lunchtime we held a short act of worship followed by a 3 minute silence!

You can find more about the work of the Mothers’ Union on our website

Arts and Spirituality in North Cornwall

K’antu Ensemble

Saturday 14th January, 7.30pm, St Endellion Church
£12 | Free for accompanied under 16s

This January, we are thrilled to have musicians from Birmingham’s award-winning early music group, K’antu Ensemble, returning to St Endellion. Join us for an eclectic performance of historical folk music from across the globe, exploring traditions and folklore behind some of the ensemble’s favourite tunes. Since their last performance at St Endellion back in 2016, K’antu Ensemble have made their debut at Bridgewater Hall and led multiple performances across Birmingham for the 2022 Commonwealth Games Festival.

Tickets available at:

The People’s String Foundation

Friday 27th January, 7.30pm, St Endellion Church
£12 | Free for accompanied under 16s

The brilliant South West based band, People’s String Foundation, bring together a heady mix of passionate theatrics, artisan flavours and world beats. Led by violinist Ben Sutcliffe (previously a Composer and Musical Director for Kneehigh Theatre), the band encompass a grass roots level philosophy, working with local musicians, communities and schools. Expect an evening of heart racing, soul warming and toe tapping music.

Tickets available at:

Awareness in Singing: The Holistic Approach

Saturday 14th January, 10am – 3pm, St Endellion Church. £10
Join Katy Thomson (award-winning soprano and co-chair of St Endellion Easter Festival) and Harriet Schofield (experienced counsellor) to explore how improving awareness can help you unlock your full creative potential. Harriet and Katy present a relaxed, fun and informative workshop, combining Katy’s knowledge of singing technique and performance psychology with Harriet’s expertise in psychology and life-coaching. Whether you are interested in refreshing your singing technique, learning some new warm-ups, or connecting to a deeper sense of confidence, this dynamic duo will empower you to find more freedom and joy!

Tickets available at:



10.30 -12 noon



2-4 pm
Refreshment and Entertainment
To help loneliness in a secure setting.